The 6th Agriculture Research Coordination Meeting (ARCM) is underway at Lobesa, Punakha from 12-14 June 2023. It is an annual event being organized by the Agriculture Research and Innovation Division (ARID), Department of Agriculture (DoA) comprising about 45 participants from the ARDCs, Central Programs, and Department HQ chaired by the Director of the DoA.
The ARCM serves as technical forum for planning, reviewing and endorsing annual research activities with the following specific functions;
- Plan, review and harmonize annual agriculture research work plans.
- Identify emerging research needs and priorities.
- Finalize nationally coordinated trials and collaborative work plans.
- Assess quality of research and research methodologies adopted.
- Review research proposals that are new and outside the annual work plan for endorsement.
- Provide platform to present completed research results to highlight significant findings for endorsement, knowledge sharing, visibility, and for publication in peer reviewed journals.
- Ensure compilation and publication of proceedings and put up critical issues to the Research Management Committee.
Reported by: ARID, DoA.
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