The Agriculture Research and Innovation Division endeavours to support the Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock in its vision of enhancing socio-economic well-being of the Bhutanese people through agriculture research. In so doing, it provides overall strategic guidance as well as facilitate enabling environment to drive implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a structured research process in key identified areas of agriculture development and associated disciplines.
- Co-ordinate and facilitate implementation of Research Programs to generate technologies for agriculture development.
- Co-ordinate and facilitate technology dissemination for agriculture development.
- Lead the formulation and review of research and extension policies and strategies.
- Lead the development of Five Year and Annual Plans and guide its implementation.
- Lead the Monitoring, Evaluation and Supervision of the implementation of the planned Research and Extension Programs.
- The division will be the secretariat for Bhutanese Journal Agriculture Editorial Board, Varietal Releasing Committee, National Seed Board, Food Fortification Program and Agro-met Advisory Services.
- Lead, co-ordinate and guide the development of Commodity Research Plans and Programs (Annual and FYP).
- Lead, Co-ordinate and guide the development of Commodity Research Strategies (Short/Long Term).
- Co-ordinate National, Regional and International Collaboration with Research Institutes.
- Develop Project proposals to mobilize fund to facilitate Research and Extension Programs.
- Coordinate the Review and Formulate Agriculture Extension policy, framework and guidelines to support Agriculture Extension.
- Coordinate Capacity Building for research and extension staffs.
- Lead and co-ordinate the publication of peer reviewed Agricultural Journals (National, regional and International).
- Manage and share Knowledge and Information on research and extension.
- Lead Monitoring, Evaluation and Supervision of the implementation of Annual Research Work Plan.
- Co-ordinate Annual Research and Extension review and planning exercise.
- Collect and Compile Progress Reports on Agriculture Research Programs for submission to the Ministry.
- Compile and manage the administrative data.
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