
The Agriculture Research and Innovation Division endeavours to support the Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock in its vision of enhancing socio-economic well-being of the Bhutanese people through agriculture research. In so doing, it provides overall strategic guidance as well as facilitate enabling environment to drive implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a structured research process in key identified areas of agriculture development and associated disciplines.


  1. Co-ordinate and facilitate implementation of Research Programs to generate technologies for agriculture development.
  2. Co-ordinate and facilitate technology dissemination for agriculture development.
  3. Lead the formulation and review of research and extension policies and strategies.
  4. Lead the development of Five Year and Annual Plans and guide its implementation.
  5. Lead the Monitoring, Evaluation and Supervision of the implementation of the planned Research and Extension Programs.
  6. The division will be the secretariat for Bhutanese Journal Agriculture Editorial Board, Varietal Releasing Committee, National Seed Board, Food Fortification Program and Agro-met Advisory Services.


  1. Lead, co-ordinate and guide the development of Commodity Research Plans and Programs (Annual and FYP).
  2. Lead, Co-ordinate and guide the development of Commodity Research Strategies (Short/Long Term).
  3. Co-ordinate National, Regional and International Collaboration with Research Institutes.
  4. Develop Project proposals to mobilize fund to facilitate Research and Extension Programs.
  5. Coordinate the Review and Formulate Agriculture Extension policy, framework and guidelines to support Agriculture Extension.
  6. Coordinate Capacity Building for research and extension staffs.
  7. Lead and co-ordinate the publication of peer reviewed Agricultural Journals (National, regional and International).
  8. Manage and share Knowledge and Information on research and extension.
  9. Lead Monitoring, Evaluation and Supervision of the implementation of Annual Research Work Plan.
  10. Co-ordinate Annual Research and Extension review and planning exercise.
  11. Collect and Compile Progress Reports on Agriculture Research Programs for submission to the Ministry.
  12. Compile and manage the administrative data.

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