About NMC

History of National Mushroom Centre

National Mushroom Centre (NMC) started as a small unit in the Government residential house at Semtokha in 1984. Few experts from Japan and Thailand helped in training the staff and mushroom growers on mushroom spawn production and mushroom cultivation. In 1989 the unit was upgraded with laboratory and office with assistance from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in the area presently occupied by the multipurpose hall of Royal Institute of Management (RIM), Semtokha and named it as National Mushroom Centre to promote mushroom cultivation throughout the country. In 2013 the land where NMC was located had to be handed over to RIM, therefore, NMC was moved to Yoeselpang. NMC catered the services from Yoeselpang for a period of two years and in 2015 NMC was moved to the current location at Wangchutaba after handing over the Yoeselpang structures to Department of Livestock.


  • To be the center of excellence in mushroom research and development


  • To increase mushroom production to enhance food and nutrition security, employment, income and livelihood of the Bhutanese population through on-farm mushroom production and sustainable management of wild mushrooms.


  • To increase mushroom production for enhancing food self-sufficiency, income and nutrition security
  • To promote organic mushroom production for sustainable agriculture and safe food
  • To promote mushroom enterprise development
  • To enhance effective and efficient delivery of mushroom services
  • To promote environment conservation through sustainable collection of wild mushroom and management of mushroom habitat
  • To study the diversity of wild mushrooms and domestication of potential species
  • To create awareness on mushroom poisoning

To conduct research and generate technology to enhance mushroom production

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