A. General Operational and Functional ToR
- The “AEP” will operate within the broad mandates and functions of Agriculture Research and Extension Division (ARED).
- In order to ensure succinct outcome and deliverables, AEC will be guided by the following ToR
- Coordinate Review and development of Agriculture Extension Policy/strategy/guidelines.
- Co-ordinate Agricultural Knowledge, Information and technology dissemination and management.
- Co-ordinate human resource requirement and Capacity Development of Research and Extension System.
- M&E of Extension System.
- Establish Linkages with National, Regional and International research and development institutions/networks for Knowledge Sharing, Technology Transfer and Capacity Development.
- The program will lead the formulation of necessary Agriculture Extension Policies, Strategies and Guidelines in collaboration with relevant agencies, programs and Dzongkhags.
- Timely review and develop agriculture extension manual and guidelines.
- Co-ordinate assessment of Human Resource requirement and Capacity development of Research and Extension System in close collaboration with HRMD of the Ministry.
- Facilitate planning and implementation of “Agriculture Extension Programs and Activities” (technology transfer, farmers education, extension HR Planning and Capacity development) in collaboration with APD, Commodity Coordinators, ARDCs, NSSC, NPPC, NPHC, AMC, ICS and HRMD.
- Coordinate and development of extension materials posters, leaflets, fliers, and AV materials for promotion of Agricultural information, Knowledge and technology in coloration with ARDCs, Central Programs, Technical Divisions and ICS.
- Lead the publication of “Bhutanese Journal of Agriculture.
- Facilitate the publication of any Agriculture Research and Development articles/reports.
- Establish and maintain database on Research Activities, MoU, Inventory of Agriculture Technology generated/promoted and Human resources and Capacity development.
- Promote application of ICT for agriculture development.
- Maintain and regularly update disaster related information (crops and property loss due to natural calamities)
- Mobilization of resources for Extension Programs.
- Regularly Monitor and Review Extension Programs and provide informations to Dzongkhags, Central Programs and ARDCs.
- Enhance linkages and collaboration with national, regional and international institutions and associations for knowledge sharing, technology transfer and capacity development.
- Focal Point for Ministry of Homes and Cultural Affairs (Department of Disaster Management)
- Focal Point for Budget and Audit related issues of the Division.
- Facilitate and Coordinate Workshops and Meetings including VRC’s.
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