Brief Introduction of the Center
ARDC Samtenling is one of the oldest agriculture research centers in Bhutan. It was established as Regional Agriculture Research Station in 1969. Since then the center was operated as sub-centers placed under Research Centers (Bajo and Jakar) for management in different times. In July 2011; the center was upgraded to a full-fledged RNR Research and Development Center to cater the research needs in the sub-tropical region with the approval from the Cabinet Secretary and subsequently from the MoAF. Based on the approval, the center was operationalized as the main center focusing on research in sub-tropical crops and generation of agricultural technologies. Until August 2016, the center had been carrying out the research and development activities related to Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry in an integrated approach. However, in August 2016, Forestry and Livestock sectors were delinked and the center has then dedicated its mandates to agriculture research and development for the South-Central Region. Today the center caters technical support to the client Dzongkhags (Sarpang, Samtse, Trongsa, Zhemgang & Samdrup Jongkhar).
The center having upgraded to a full-fledged research center represents the low altitude agriculture zone with two sub-centers located at Tingtibi and Panbang in Zhemgang Dzongkhag. The Tingtibi sub-center was started since 1996 as sub-station under Jakar and in 2007 it functioned as integrated RNR sub-center. ARDSC Panbang was established in 2016. The main center and the sub-centers provide impetus and acceleration for agricultural development including dissemination of appropriate technologies through on-station action research and on-farm out-reach services to the farming communities of the region. The center works mainly towards building critical mass of professionals in field crops, horticulture and other sectors to provide the required services to the client Dzongkhags.
A leading climate resilient agricultural technology generation and information dissemination center for sub-tropical region
Provide appropriate sustainable agricultural technologies through efficient climate resilient action research and frontline demonstrations to the farming communities for achieving food and nutrition security
National Research Mandates
- National coordinating center for R & D of Spices (Cardamom, Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, etc)
- National coordinating center for R & D of Plantation Crops (Aerecanut, Coffee, Cocoa, Tea, Black Pepper, Betel Leaves, etc)
- National coordinating center for R & D of legumes & Pulses in collaboration with other ARDCs and Central Programs under the Department of Agriculture
- Serve as the repository of technical experts and maintain the traditional and exotic germplasm of the designated crops for conservation and future use.
- Provide national advisory role for R & D interventions for National Commodities like Spices, Plantation Crops, legumes & Pulses, sub-tropical fruits and low altitude Rice
Regional Research Mandates
- Introduce new lines of sub-tropical crop varieties, conduct research (adaptive and applied research) on and develop new crop varieties (field crops and horticulture crops – spices, fruits and vegetables) for sub-tropical zones
- Conduct on-station and on-farm research experiments/trials, generate climate resilient agricultural technologies and disseminate to extension wing
- Conduct irrigation and water management research for the region
- Routine maintenance of breeder seeds for cereals/vegetables and germplasms of fruit plants, spices and plantation crops
- Carry out characterization of local land races of crops (field crops and horticulture) and maintain inventory of germplasms in collaboration with NBC
- Conduct research in pest and disease management, post-harvest and soil fertility in collaboration with NPPC, NPHC and NSSC including other ARDCs
- Conduct socio – economic research (impacts of agriculture technologies on the livelihood of the farmers) for the region
- Organize and conduct capacity development programs for research and extension staff in the region
- Maintain institutional linkages at national and international levels, and establish new links in consultation with the DoA
Regional Development Mandates
- Demonstrate and showcase technologies generated from the centre
- Establish demo-orchards and demo-fields in the farmers’ field in collaboration with Dzongkhags
- Provide timely technical support and research information to the agriculture extension of the region
- Provide technical support in agriculture infrastructure development (Irrigation and farm road)
- Co-ordinate/Assist in the implementation of National Programs and Projects in the region
- Provide technical support for commercialization of agriculture and agro-entrepreneurship for youths and other clients in the region
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