Basic skilling and post-skilling enterprise development program for ten entrepreneurs in mushroom farming

RDSC Khangma, a sub-center of ARDC-Wengkhar, completed five days Basic skilling and post-skilling enterprise development program for ten entrepreneurs in mushroom farming. ARDC-Wengkhar, in view of the growing need to skill youths first and then follow up with enterprise development, changed our enterprise development program by focusing on a select group of youths willing to co-invest in establishing a 1000 to 1500 bags size unit.
The program, in partnership with CARLEP – IFAD / MoAF provides support in training and materials – shed net house, tanks, pipes, spawn, aggregates, cement, sand, and automation accessories at 70:30 cost sharing. The youths arrange land, labor, and other local materials required. The program is facilitated by Mushroom Supervisors at ARDSC Khangma and the Centre lead Farmer and Spawn Producer, youth farmer Sonam Gyeltshen of Samsara Mushroom at Kalapang. With the skilling completed, the participants now proceed to set up their farm under the supervision of mushroom supervisors and geog agriculture extension centres of the locality.

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