DoA welcomes 16 Diploma Graduates!

On 7 July 2023, the Department hosted a welcome ceremony for 16 new diploma graduates as part of their week-long induction program. During this period, the recruits will receive briefings on the roles of agriculture extension and important programs within the department. Additionally, they will visit various agencies under DoA (NSSC, NPPC, NMC, NSC, AMTC and ARDC-Bajo), as well as FMCL, and NPHC as part of their induction program.

Following the program, these graduates will be assigned to different gewogs and Dzongkhags, where they will actively contribute to the growth and development of the agriculture sector nationwide.

We warmly congratulate and extend our heartfelt welcome to the Department of Agriculture Fraternity.

Cake cutting Ceremony to welcome new graduates

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