Farmer to Farmer Extension

Lead Farmer Gaydhuen Jamtsho of Minji Lhuentse bring his extended farmers for a study trip to ARDC Wengkgar on 22/8/2022 to reinforce what he taught his neighbour’s after completing our Lead farmers training.

Gaydhuen is one of our most active Lead farmers who ever since his appointment as a Lead farmer trained more than 100 farmers demonstrating good practices he acquired from the trainings he attended at our centre under ARDC – CARLEP IFAD / MoAF Lead Farmers Program.

This year he focused his attention to Zham village of Minji which is a far-flung cheog in his geog.
Gaydhuen plays the role of an aggregator, trainer and is also a master grafted hired by MHV Pvt Ltd for grafting of hazel nuts. He also provides green house establishment services assisting the centre and the Dzongkhag is expanding agr extension services.

The visit is organized by Gaydhuen and his farmers with support from Dzongkhag for fueling of bus, bus from the local school and a working lunch from ARDC Wengkhar. Unlike in the past, no other subsistence allowances are paid in consultation with the beneficiary farmers to help reduce cost in extension services.

Farmer to farmer extension services like this will contribute to enhancing the effectiveness and Sustainability of agr extension services.

– with information provided by Yeshi Lhadon, Support Services Program ARDC Wengkhar

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