General Operational and Functional ToR
- The “FCRP” will operate within the broad mandates and functions of Agriculture Research and Extension Division (ARED).
- In order to ensure succinct outcome and deliverables, FCRP will be guided by the following ToR
A. Field Crop Research Policy, Strategy and Guideline
- The program will lead the co-ordination and planning of “field crop” program and activities in collaboration with Agriculture Production Division, Commodity Co-ordinators, ARDCs Bajo, Wengkhar, Bhur, RDC-OA Yusipang, NSSC, NPPC, NPHC, AMC, NMC and National Biodiversity Centre (NBC)
- The program with operate its research co-ordination functions within the following category of crops (but not limited to):
- Cereal Crops
- Oil seed crops
- Grain Legumes
- Root and tuber crops
- The program with lead through collaboration with relevant institutions and program within the DoA to formulate field crop research policy and strategy
- The program will lead and guide Five Year field crop research program, strategies and broad activities
- The program will coordinate review annual field crop research activities
- The section will lead the formulation of field crop research protocol and guidelines
- The program will coordinate and review the “release of field crop variety” proposal by the ARDC and other relevant institutions.
- The program will support the implementation of commodity development program
B. Resource Mobilization
- The program will lead in the co-ordination and formulation of field crop research projects and secure financing from RGoB and projects.
- The program will co-ordinate, review and recommend the annual budget for field crop research program and activities
C. Monitoring
- The program will prepare Five Year and Annual field crop research monitoring framework and submit the progress status to the Division Chief.
- The program will lead the publication and updating of “Field Crop Germplasm” book.
- The program will assist Agriculture Extension Section (AES) for the publication of field crop journals, articles and publications.
- Co-ordinate the conduct of meeting on field crops program
- The FCRP will be the focal on Field Crop Research for all the four ARDCs.
- The FCRP will also be the technical focal for all the central programs on issues related to Field Crop Research.
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