Field Crop Research Program

General Operational and Functional ToR

  1. The “FCRP” will operate within the broad mandates and functions of Agriculture Research and Extension Division (ARED).
  2. In order to ensure succinct outcome and deliverables, FCRP will be guided by the following ToR


A. Field Crop Research Policy, Strategy and Guideline

  1. The program will lead the co-ordination and planning of “field crop” program and activities in collaboration with Agriculture Production Division, Commodity Co-ordinators, ARDCs Bajo, Wengkhar, Bhur, RDC-OA Yusipang, NSSC, NPPC, NPHC, AMC, NMC and National Biodiversity Centre (NBC)
  2. The program with operate its research co-ordination functions within the following category of crops (but not limited to):
  • Cereal Crops
  • Oil seed crops
  • Grain Legumes
  • Root and tuber crops
  1. The program with lead through collaboration with relevant institutions and program within the DoA to formulate field crop research policy and strategy
  2. The program will lead and guide Five Year field crop research program, strategies and broad activities
  3. The program will coordinate review annual field crop research activities
  4. The section will lead the formulation of field crop research protocol and guidelines
  5. The program will coordinate and review the “release of field crop variety” proposal by the ARDC and other relevant institutions.
  6. The program will support the implementation of commodity development program

B. Resource Mobilization

  1. The program will lead in the co-ordination and formulation of field crop research projects and secure financing from RGoB and projects.
  2. The program will co-ordinate, review and recommend the annual budget for field crop research program and activities

C. Monitoring

  1. The program will prepare Five Year and Annual field crop research monitoring framework and submit the progress status to the Division Chief.
  2. The program will lead the publication and updating of “Field Crop Germplasm” book.
  3. The program will assist Agriculture Extension Section (AES) for the publication of field crop journals, articles and publications.
  4. Co-ordinate the conduct of meeting on field crops program


  1. The FCRP will be the focal on Field Crop Research for all the four ARDCs.
  2. The FCRP will also be the technical focal for all the central programs on issues related to Field Crop Research.

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