The Horticulture Section will operate within the broad mandates and functions of Agriculture Production Division (APD).
The specific Terms of Reference (ToR) for the section are as detailed below.
Policy, Strategy& Guidelines
- The section will develop, review and propose horticulture development policies and strategies to support small holder farmers, commercial farmers, and private and corporate sectors engagement in horticulture crops development.
- The section will develop, review and propose Guidelines to implement horticulture development policies ad strategies.
- The section will operate its horticulture development co-ordination functions primarily in vegetables, citrus, fruits & nuts, MAPS and floriculture.
Planning & Resource Mobilization
- The section will lead the co-ordination and planning of horticulture development program and activities in collaboration with Agriculture Research & Extension Division, ARDCs Bajo, Wengkhar & Samtenling, RDC-OA Yusipang, NSSC, NPPC, NMC, NPHC, NSC and AMC / FMCL.
- The section will conduct thematic and strategic studies to identify critical issues affecting horticulture production.
- The section will lead the development of project proposals or concept notes on horticulture development for submission to the Ministry and potential donor agencies for possible funding.
- The section will issue strategic procedural guidelines to facilitate planning and mainstreaming into plans and programs of the local governments (Dzongkhags & gewogs), ARDCs and central programs.
- The section will facilitate and lead “Five Year” horticulture development plans and programs following DoA’s priority.
- The section will facilitate and consolidate annual horticulture plan and budget in consultation with the Dzongkhags, ARDCs and Central Programs for submission to the Ministry.
- The section will lead annual work plan and budget negotiation with the MoAF and MoF.
- The section will prioritize and formulate enterprise development plans for horticulture crops.
- The section will support and facilitate human resource development (HRD) activities on horticulture crops.
- The section will collaborate and coordinate with relevant agencies both within and outside the Ministry for enhancing horticulture production and marketing.
- The section will coordinate identification of gaps, constraints and issues related to horticulture production and accordingly recommend solutions.
- The section will take lead in coordinating the implementation of annual and Five year plans and programs.
- The section will facilitate implementation of projects on horticulture crops.
- The section will collaborate with relevant agencies under the Department and the Ministry in implementing joint or collaborative programs and activities.
- The section will support the implementation of horticulture research program under ARED.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Knowledge/Information Management
- The section will lead quarterly and annual monitoring of the implementation of agreed work plan and monitoring schedule.
- The section will lead quarterly progress report compilation, submission and presentation to the Division.
- The section will coordinate and facilitate annual review and planning workshops with the ARDCs and the central programs.
- The section will review and align 5-year plans and programs of the central programs with that of the Division’s plans and programs.
- The section will compile and publish annual report on horticulture production.
Institutional Linkages
- The section will develop linkages and liaise with relevant agencies within the DoA and outside.
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