
  1. Mandates

    • Ensure attainment of food self sufficiency
    • Generate and promote appropriate agriculture technologies
    • Develop sustainable irrigation and water management system
    • Promote income generation, employment opportunities and enterprise development
    • Promote sustainable utilization of agriculture land
    • Promote farm mechanization and labour saving technologies
    • Promote sustainable and climate resilient agriculture development
    • Establish commodity value chains
    • Develop and promote effective measures to protect crops from wild life damage
    • Delivery of essential agriculture inputs and services (farm infrastructure, technical, advisory and administrative)
    • Provide support services on soil, plant protection, post-harvest and other agricultural services
    • Liaise with national and international institutions for program coordination


    • To increase crop production for enhancing food self sufficiency, income and nutrition security
    • To generate and promote climate resilient agriculture technologies
    • To promote organic farming for sustainable agriculture, safe food, and environment conservation
    • To develop functional farm infrastructures and facilities (irrigation channel, farm roads, post-harvest facilities, etc.)
    • To promote agriculture enterprise development
    • To enhance effective and efficient delivery of agricultural services

    Key Result Areas

    The expected outcome for the Department by end of 12th FYP are:

    • At the end of the plan period, the Self Sufficiency Rates of Rice, Maize and Vegetables are targeted to be increased to 60%, 96% and 100% respectively. An average of 21% increase in the total production volume of agriculture crops is targeted by 2023.
    • In addition, the organic food production will be enhanced. The area under organic agriculture management by the end of 12 FYP will be 9039 acres with 17 organic certified agriculture products developed.
    • By the end of the plan period, 11 agriculture-based enterprises would be established engaging private sector and generating an employment of 140 numbers. In addition, value chain for three commodities will be established.
    • Land development will be one of the thrust areas for the Department and by end of 12th FYP a total of 10,000 ac will be developed and 5339 ac fallow land (Chuzhing) will be brought under cultivation.
    • An additional land of 6746 acres will be brought under farm mechanization reducing farm drudgery and labour costs through supply of gender friendly, geographically suitable farm machineries.
    • Apart from irrigation schemes constructed/renovated by Local Government (LG), six major irrigation schemes totaling up to 180 km will be constructed/renovated centrally to reduce farm water scarcity.

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