
Quinoa – Ashi Heychum – grown under clean environments of Trashigang and Mongar by small scale growers with support of CARLEP – IFAD / MoAL project is now available from the FCBL outlets.
Quinoa is a super food. Best mixed with rice to improve nutrient contents. Currently 2 varieties are available from FCBL outlets.

A packet you buy, you contribute to the Rural economy as farmers are paid between Nu. 80 to 100 per Kg unprocessed. FCBL bought raw grains and are processed and vaccuum packed and are sold at Nu. 220 -240 per Kg.
Currently farmers in Bartsham, Shongphu Trashigang, Dremtse and Narang in Mongar are the major producers. Annually 25 to 30 MT is marketed with FCBL.

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